
Back to School: Simple tips of how to keep calm and stay organised as school starts up again

– By Little Harvard

After a long summer of sleeping in and doing everything on school holiday time, the alarm clock goes off and announces the first day back to school! It’s time to get back into the same old routine, up and going!

Here are some easy back to school tips for keeping calm and staying organised as school starts up again. Hope you find it helpful :)

Tip Number 1 – Get the house ready for school routine – Start by considering your own morning routine first, as you are responsible for everyone else’s routine after that. Family life demands flexibility and not doing what you want all the time, but it does help to create your own morning routine to kick off your day. Whether you want to go for a walk, do some housework before the kids are up, or simply shower and get dressed, then make a plan for it. If you need to get up 15 minutes earlier, then do it. If you need to give your partner or kids a new to do list to make it all happen while you are busy getting stuff done, then do that.

But most of all, find a routine that works for you and make it part of your day, every day, and stick to it!

Tip Number 2 – Ease into the New Routine – Switching from a summer routine to a school schedule can be stressful to everyone in the house!

But you can avoid first-day-of-school mayhem by practicing your routine a few days in advance. The idea consistes in setting the alarm clock, going through your morning rituals, and getting in the car or to the bus stop on time. Routines help children feel comfortable, plus establishing a solid school routine will make the first day of school go much smoother.

Tip number 3 – Get breakfast organised the night before – Our little ones need the perfect fuel to keep their minds going all day long, and skipping breakfast because we are running late in the mornings is never a good idea. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for a reason. Fuel the kids for learning by starting the day with a healthy filling breakfast. Have it all organised on the table on the night before, and if possible, already in bowls, just waiting for the milk to be poured. Another alternative, if you like hot porridge every day for example, is to cook a big portion for the 5 days of the week, keeping it in the fridge and heating up small portions as you go in the microwave. Keep fruits on the table as well, so the kids feel tempted by eating them with their breakfast. Understanding a little bit of nutrition helps parents put together solid menu plans and healthy meals that will boost the child’s ability to learn and concentrate at school.

Tip number 4 – Pack the lunches the night before – Making lunch every day of the school year can be very tiresome, not to mention time consuming. This is why it is important to prepare it before hand, so you can think about what you are preparing. Also try to mix up menus and try out fresh ideas to keep your child interested in eating what you’re tucking inside the lunch box!

Sandwiches can get very boring, so you can mix things up by using different types of breads, wraps, muffins, crispbreads and crackers, with a mix of nutritious & tasty fillings. Take in consideration your child’s personal taste, and search online for menus and recipes ideas.

Tip number 5 – Invest in fun lunchboxes and school bags – The options are endless: Frozen, Spiderman, Lego, Ben10, Barbie, Fantastic4, etc., etc. By choosing a cool lunch box and an awesome school bag for your child, you are increasing their satisfaction in going to school and eating their lunch every day! That’s all it needs to be said here :)

Tip Number 6 – ‘Go Tech’: Download Apps to help you and the kids get organised – If you don’t have a tablet, chances are you have at least a smart phone in the house which is not being used to it’s full potential!

There are many Apps available to make our daily routine easier, so ‘go tech’  and make your life easier! Simply visit your App Store and search for homework Apps available.

Tip Number 7 – Mark your calendar – Make a note of important dates, as well of all school mid-term breaks for the year, bank holidays and work functions. This is very important if you are a working parent, if you have children in different schools, and for holidays advanced bookings, etc.  Arrange babysitting in advance when necessary.

We hope you found these tips helpful, but most of all, we wish you a happy new school year ahead of you!

And keep in mind: Always let you your children know that you care about them!

If your child is anxious about school, comfort her by sending personal reminders in the lunch box for example. Children can also absorb a lot of anxiety around them, so try your best to model optimism and confidence for them.

Let your children know that it is natural to be a little nervous anytime you start something new. Reassure your children that you love them, and you will think of them during the day, and that you will be back.

It’s also important to maintain open lines of communication with the school, and to arrange playdates with some of your child’s new classmates after school starts, in order to help your child re-establish positive social relationships.


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