Kids Activities for Rainy Days – Part I


It’s Summer Holidays!!!

Everyone is happy and looking forward to those lazy hot outdoors sunny days for the next good while!

Except: it’s raining!!! So what to do with the kids now?

Before the kids start getting bored inside (and driving you crazy!) just remember:  Don’t let rainy days spoil all the fun! If you can’t go outside, use few creative ideas to bring the fun indoors instead!

Here are few ideas to consider:

Number 1 –

It may sound a bit lazy and low brow, but you would be surprised of how much of a difference it makes when you get the kids to watch TV in a different way!

First, choose a good programme (it can be an educational one, like animal documentaries from the Discovery Channel, or even a good Disney classic movie). Then, all you have to do is to get the “cinema” ready!

Start by rearranging the living room: first by making it darker, and then by placing few chairs or bean bags in front of the telly. Now move on to “selling” the tickets to the children, making sure they all have they “money” (you can find great arts and crafts ideas online if you search for how to make paper money for children and teach them maths). Next, “sell” the popcorn and drinks, and let them sit down and have fun!

Number 2 –

Pretend you are going camping! Build a tent in your living room out of blankets and chairs. Don’t forget to bring few accessories you might have: flashlights, sleeping bags, snacks, teddy bears and books. An alternative idea is to make an “igloo” and pretend you are at the North Pole ice fishing with your Polar Bear friends!

Number 3 –

Ask your little ones ‘what would they like to be doing if it wasn’t raining today’?

Now get some old magazines (old Argos Catalogues are a good option) and let your kids find pictures that can describe what they like.

Next, give them appropriate scissors and non-toxic water based glue, and let them make collages about their ideas!

We hope you find these ideas helpful and creative, but most of all, we hope you have fun with the Kids!

We will be back soon with the second part of “Kids Activities for Rainy Days


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